Rebecca Phoebe was born silent on April 25, 2008. At the doctor's, I found no heartbeat and knew that while in labor, my angel was taken back. This blog is here for the benefit of me to write the tender things of my heart. It is also here for those that need to know they are not alone in whatever they have been called upon to bear.

If you are new to the blog, please start with " My Story".

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A boy

Once there was this boy who swept me off my feet, snatched me up and married me, his, forever.  This boy and I had a boy together, and then another boy, and then another, until we finally received a sweet and sassy little girl.  Then we got another boy.  Because five was enough at the time, we wanted a little break between this one and the last.  But there were other plans.  We got surprised by a Girl. We got even more surprised by losing the girl. 

Well yesterday we had our ultrasound to find out what the next will be.  I am not a betting woman, but I would have bet money that this would be a Boy.  Is it because they come in force to my family already?  Is it because having another breathing little girl in my arms was too much to imagine again?  Maybe its because I know how precious daughters are and I needed to take extra special care of the one I was already blessed with.  I don't know.  All I do know is, it was not a boy at all.  We are going to have another chance to have a little girl.

The boy that swept me off my feet sat right next to my side as we watched in amazement the life on the screen.  He held my hand so tightly as we wept together at the prospect of being blessed to have another little girl in our arms.  I am so grateful for this boy that has been with me through every step of the journey.  

Boy or girl, each are special, and I am blessed to have both.

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