Rebecca Phoebe was born silent on April 25, 2008. At the doctor's, I found no heartbeat and knew that while in labor, my angel was taken back. This blog is here for the benefit of me to write the tender things of my heart. It is also here for those that need to know they are not alone in whatever they have been called upon to bear.

If you are new to the blog, please start with " My Story".

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Uh-oh... I feel like I am building up to another brief (hopefully) meltdown. I have noticed lately that I function fairly well for a while, then it hits me again, I have INTENSE emotion for a while, lots of tears included, and then I push it away and function again. This month her anniversary is on Christmas Eve. It's a bittersweet time for me. I am doing really well at the moment at not thinking about what it would be like to have a little baby and celebrate their very first Christmas. It's hard to imagine how life would be like if I did have another little one. Part of the shock when we first lost her was that we had no time to prepare. I had my whole life wrapped up in what it would be like to have six sweet children and then it was stripped from me. Now that I have tried to adjust to the "new normal", because you have to, sometimes I wonder if I really could have handled six kids so close together.

The reason why I am scared to have another meltdown is because I often like to sit at home, do nothing but listen to my "Phoebe" music, cry, look at pictures and basically become a basketcase. Then I pick myself back up, put on a happy face and face the world. I am scared because I have the awesome opportunity to visit my family for 12 days with lots of cousins and fun included. I just don't want to have a meltdown there! Say a little prayer for me that I can hold on through it.

Sometimes it just stinks!


  1. I'm sorry I haven't been checking this blog, so I've been out of the loop for a while. I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I love you. I'll say a prayr for you right now cause other wise I might forget :)

  2. You will not be alone. We will be there for you, Bub, and celebrate and miss Phoebe with you. You are so strong... you can do this! We love you so much!!!

  3. Hey, hope you are holding up okay and that you had a wonderful Christmas. You are so strong and I know that it will always be hard, but know that we love you and Phoebe!

  4. I am thinking about you girl!! Hope that you had a great Christmas! Sorry for not checkin in on you sooner.
